What People Are Saying... 

Our genuine reviews demonstrate the fantastic support you will enjoy with Sarah Riley at Inspired Courses. Click the image below to read more on Google or scroll further to watch videos from some of our happy customers.

I enjoy your podcast and thought both of your talks at the US Glamping Summit this year were excellent in both value and style. You are a great ambassador for the Glamping industry!"
— Anthony S.

Contact Sarah today...
“Sarah has empowered me with the tools, ideas and answers I needed, in just one day. We have covered so much ground and I’m now so excited by my opportunities as I can see a clear way forward. I’m so pleased I got in touch and I’ll be back. Thank you so much."
— Tim B.


"What a fabulous course!! I'm about halfway through and hoping to have everything up and running for next spring. The course has given me confidence that I CAN do this! Other people are doing it and so can I!!  Thank you for your course and constant contact with us all." - Christina M.

“I got in touch with Sarah to help sense check my idea for a luxury camping business with a focus on branding and marketing.
I found Sarah to be a wealth of knowledge and I suspect that the short time we spent together has saved me some costly and time consuming mistakes down the line.
All of my questions were answered including the ones I didn't know I should be asking. I would highly recommend getting in touch with Sarah at any stage of your project life cycle but especially during the initial phases where the project direction and delivery approach are both crucial to making sure your project gets off the ground."
Ben K. Oakhouse Assets Holdings


"Sarah, I am really just getting into all your top tips in the Marketing Masterclass (am currently in the 2nd unit) and am finding it all brilliant! Can’t wait to learn even more!” - Joanna T.


Contact Sarah today...


"Brilliantly useful and really enjoyable! I didn't know where to start but Sarah broke it down into simple steps and asked all the right questions.” - Richard B.

“The Glamping Business Guide has been a excellent resource for me in the development of my glampsite. It completely covers everything. This guide has greatly prepared me for this business, so much I already won first place in a Startup Weekend! I’m almost there to begin the development. When my glampsite is open, I’ll run it with confidence thanks from what I’ve learned
— Manolo W.


“I’m loving the course so far, thank you. I didn’t realise how helpful it would be and I’ve only just started!”
— Clare W.

"The Deborah Meaden of glamping. Your insight into the design, operation branding and marketing
of our proposed glamping site in Inverness was invaluable in helping me move forward with
confidence to planning. The insight and experience in picking out smaller nuances of a daily
operation and best routes to market help shaped the business plan. So thank you very much, l
Would highly recommend an onsite visit from Sarah as part of a budget moving forward." - Alex D.

"Fantastic - just what I need - loads to learn. Sign me up to your next Masterclass please!”
- Penny C.


"All useful, lots of things I didn’t know and helped me think of a good pitch / topic. Thank you Sarah” - Clare H.

"Sarah Riley was an absolute lifeline for us. Her e-learning course was our first discovery, which
saved us hours of time of research and £100’s of pounds of potential wasted money by taking
decisions that would have been uneducated. There is no other resource out there of this quality in
the glamping sector - other than Sarah Riley herself! After purchasing the e-learning course, it was
an easy decision to retain the services of Sarah as a consultant. Via computer conferencing, we
have had several sessions which were part structured -with focus on our business plan etc., and
part unstructured -which was invaluable time we had to pick Sarah’s brains and ask questions that
we were unable to find answers to ourselves - or indeed just a bit of sanity checking. Sarah has a
very approachable and calm style wrapped with passion in what she does. I am sure that anyone
that is looking to employ either her courses or her consultancy services will have immediate
payback for the investment." - Mark K.

"Very useful. I’m interested in the courses you run and will be looking into them. Thank you x”
- Charlotte H.


"Yes - really good tips and information so it feels achievable and not just a mystery. Reminded to put self forward - yikes, normally want to be in background! Thanks." - Jane C.

“I’ve called on Sarah Riley for advice and encouragement a number of times over the last few years. As someone whose businesses are closely connected to the tourism industry, being able to tap in to Sarah’s knowledge and experience has proven to be invaluable. This is someone who has their finger firmly on the pulse of all things camping and glamping. Whether it relates to marketing, current or upcoming trends, financials or practical help, Sarah has always given sound, informed and considered advice and I could not recommend her business support highly enough.”
— Jo H.


"Inspiring and good to do some face to face training with others. Would definitely like more - perhaps intensive 1 day course?- Caroline W.

"Outstanding - so helpful - thank you!
- Helen M.

“Excellent detail on how to find influencers. I appreciate the specific tools and how tos. It seems like many marketing presentations usually stay very surface level, but with yours I feel like I know how to take concrete steps forwards.”
—Jeanna N.

"…Your talk was definitely one of the highlights and I learned a great deal about instagramming and influencers…

It was actually really great to see your angle on it and the case studies you were showing were really eye opening for me." - Sonny V.


"Great presentation that really helps us understanding the metrics- Rodrigue C.

"Super insightful seminar, really enjoyed a few of the practical tools e.g. Influencer Marketing Hub, Klear, etc. Thanks very much for your time.” 

- Cameron and Natascha D.

In 2016 I had the good fortune to meet Sarah Riley from Inspired Camping. She turned up at the perfect moment. I had just bought a piece of land and had an idea to make it into a campsite.
I had a rough idea where to start but needed some serious help. You don't meet GLAMPING Experts everyday - but I did. Sarah's knowledge and contact base was GOLDEN.
With a background in business coaching, some heavy organisational skills and a major chunk of empathy I immediately commissioned Sarah to help me write not just one but X 2 business plans for both areas of the 43 acre slate quarry I had just bought.
We looked at every aspect from planning advice and direct contact to topographical surveys, site visits, land management, access, plantation of my GLAMPING cabins, off grid facilities, insurance, budgeting on project management, cash flow and marketing.
Setting up a campsite is no mean feat believe me. I had this amazing route in with Sarah. There's a soft level of support too, she can download your needs and desires and turn them into a possibility. Timing can be KEY, having top level support like this was worth its weight. I could ask direct question and get direct answers.
Sarah is still on board with my project KUDHVA. She's a regular go to for us. Having been in the industry since its inception she can quickly drill down your needs. I feel that I got seriously lucky without her KUDHVA would not have been born. "
Louise M.


"I have already got my article in my head. You opened my mind up. Ready to go. Many thanks.- Pauline S.

"Lovely, personable talk, lots of good tips… very good tips.- Duncan C.

“I thought the content and explanations of media were really good. Has definitely inspired me to think about things in a different way. I come from a media background but was very rusty so I am pleased I came on the workshop.”
— Roni O.


"Great course, well delivered. A pleasure to learn with Sarah- Mark B.


"Excellent presentation! Anxious to hear more in your marketing class." - Karen S.

“I don’t have a business yet but I found this information to be extremely eye opening and interesting. At the stage of the process that I am in (just thinking about this business) I had not thought too much about the publicity piece. This was so informative and also fun to think about. Thank you!!"
— Anne P.

"I found the session to be informative and has me interested in learning more. Thank you!" - Lily F.


"Very good talk - thank you. You have a lot of experience. " - Lorena C.

"Very helpful and appreciate the accessible approach to analytics” - Matt E.

“I am amazed at the social marketing hacks that you shared.”
— Cole S.


"It has helped me to understand the importance of social media and how this strategy can change your marketing for years.- Tina T.

"I found it very useful and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks!”  - Pedro M.

“Starting up, some great nuggets to get me started."
—Eloise D.

"It was very interesting and useful! Do you do this for other business areas?" - Simone W.


"Very interesting!" - Rachel G.

"I am already well into the course and enjoying it very much! 😊" Hannah B.

"Yes! Have finally joined the Marketing Masterclass!” 

- Janet C.

“Better focus on the importance of influencer ratings and evaluation. Great links and resources. Love your accent!"
—Skip C.


"Never heard about influencers so that was good and also considering the value of learning more about instagram and telling the story." -Laurie R.

"Very good. Now I know what to do next” - Darin D.

“Really useful! Thank you!”
— Tim B.


"Very very useful. I’ve lots of thinking and working to do. Thanks Sarah!- Margaret S.

Before starting this Masterclass… I had a plan to use social media to promote my business because I followed your business startup plan but was lacking information to take action properly.
Now… I’m more confident that I can do a lot by myself and the course give me the knowledge I needed to know what I need to do. I also feel that I want to put effort into my marketing instead of delegating it entirely. Before the course I was afraid of the unknown and did not want to put the effort because of that.
I know I still have to put a lot of effort to get where I want to be but I’m not afraid anymore. I know I will get result using what you have shared in the course. 
If someone is in the same situation I was, I would highly recommend considering your course.
— Marc-André G


"Very helpful. Looking forward to speaking to you more.” - Dina B.

"Sarah, excellent! Very clear and concise while touching on some very huge subjects!"
— Julie M.
“Very helpful, loved it!”
— Julian I.
"Fully enjoyed the course!"
— Tom C.
“Most useful about the session is being on-demand and thinking about being on-demand in our marketing strategy a bit more”
— Jeroen VR.
“Most useful about the session was learning about new developments - always a great opportunity to keep up to speed with the rapidly changing world of social media and online tech - industry specific - love that I always take away something new that inspires me to implement change in my own strategies. Leaving inspired and re-motivated!”
— Caroline W.
"Most useful - Everything! I am just at the start of the business planning process so this will feed into it. Fantastic - thank you!"
— Robin C.
“Most useful about the session was learning about Destination Pages and how to monetise that! Very useful as always!”
— Jane C.
"Excellent and lots to think about: using Facebook to advertise and consider targeting ads - and lots of other things."
— Tom C.

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